Sunday, December 07, 2008

Masih juga soal...Edward Cullen my favs...

Ga ada habisnya deh admiring Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer kemaren gw baru aja cerita soal perjalanan gw nonton tuh Twilight, en sekarang pengen nonton lagi bow haha....gendeng and u know 'EDward!!! you ruin my life!!!'.

Btw, wats ur favs on screen on Twilight??? yaps ada satu scene yang menurut gw the most anticipated and greeeaattt...(ampe susah ngomongnya gw). And that was...when The Cullens & Bella played a baseball in the mid of forest with sound of storm and thunder and the backsong of Supermassive Black Hole by Muse...... Itu asik banget d, the casts, the effect..even when the Trio Laurent, James and Victoria came out from the forest kayakna dah fascinating banget...wuih..(ato prasaan gw doang ya yang heboh hehehehe) but that was my favs scene.

Gw lagi in the mid of buku ke empat dari Twilight Saga,Breaking Dawn ini buku trakhir yang dicreate SM untuk Twilight Saga, maybe soon after bakalan ada Midnight Sun(Twilight versi Edward Cullen). And i read it in English version (gubrakkksss) kayak gw canggih aja en ngerti apa isina , but kata temen2 gw emang versi aslina tuh jauh lebih akhirnya gw tergoda juga buat mencobanya, en beneran serasa bener2 kita standing besides them, ngrasain beneran, walaupun gw rasa indo-nya juga bisa menghanyutkan (secara Kang EedCull getoh ^^) tapi if you want more than a reader and try to be more involved, yap gw rasa lu kudu beli yang original version..dijamin..bakal pengen jadi vampir hahahahaah

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